Bi2Up Tea With Rose Flavor

Bi2AP Tea with rose flavor

Bi2AP Tea with rose flavor is a natural drink from Japan intended for women.

Country of origin: Japan
Pharm-Group: restorative dietary supplement for women

Manufacturer: Good One Co, Ltd (Japan)
International name: Bi2AP
Synonyms: Bi2AP, Bi2AP 35, Bi2AP Natural drink, Bi2AP Pur 100, Bi2AP Rose Hip alpha

Bi2AP Tea with rose flavor has a delicate aroma and taste of rose. It contains natural extracts of rose and other herbs that have a beneficial effect on women's health.

This tea helps calm the nervous system, improves mood, and has an antioxidant and tonic effect. It is suitable for daily use and is an excellent choice for women who care about their health and beauty.