Bifidumbacterin Powder

Bifidumbacterin powder: description, composition, indications for use and features of use

Bifidumbacterin powder is a medicinal product intended to normalize intestinal microflora. It is produced in Russia by the Partner company and belongs to the pharmaceutical group of products that normalize intestinal microflora.

The main active ingredient of Bifidumbacterin is a lyophilized microbial mass of living, antagonistically active strains of Bifidobacterium bifidum No. 1, which are one of the main representatives of normal intestinal microflora. The drug also contains crystalline lactulose.

Indications for the use of Bifidumbacterin powder include correction of intestinal microflora during dysbacteriosis (including prevention during therapy with antibiotics, NSAIDs, hormones, radiation and chemotherapy, stress), acute infectious diseases and intestinal dysfunction, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, allergic diseases (in complex treatment ), bacterial vaginosis and colpitis. The drug can also be used to prevent mastitis in nursing mothers at risk. In pediatric practice, Bifidumbacterin can be used for infectious (purulent-septic processes, pneumonia) and other diseases, including complex therapy in young children, anemia, malnutrition, rickets and allergic diathesis in weakened children, as well as early transfer of infants to artificial feeding and feeding with donor milk.

A contraindication to the use of Bifidumbacterin is hypersensitivity to its components. No side effects were identified.

The interaction of Bifidumbacterin with other drugs can manifest itself in enhancing the effect of vitamins, especially group B, and reducing the effect of antibiotics.

An overdose of Bifidumbacterin has not been described, but it is not recommended to exceed the recommended doses.

The peculiarities of using Bifidumbacterin powder are that the drug cannot be dissolved in hot water (above 40 °C) and stored in dissolved form. It should also be prescribed with caution to patients with lactase deficiency.

Thus, Bifidumbacterin powder is an effective means for normalizing intestinal microflora and can be used for various diseases and conditions associated with microbiocenosis disorders. However, before using the drug, you should consult your doctor, especially if you have any diseases or are taking other medications. It is also important to follow the recommendations for use and storage of the drug in order to achieve the maximum effect from its use.