Binga Test

The Bing test is a method for diagnosing and treating diseases of the ear, nose and throat, which was developed by the Austrian otolaryngologist F. Bing in the 19th century. The Bing test is a non-invasive and painless research method and is used to diagnose various diseases of the middle ear, palatine tonsils, maxillary sinus, as well as to determine the condition of the eardrum in patients.

The Bing test technique involves passing a sound signal through a special device that creates a sound wave in the patient's ear canal. The patient holds the device in his hand and listens to the sound as the device moves up and down inside the hearing aid.

The Bing test is a convenient tool that helps assess the condition of the oral cavity, as well as diagnose possible pathologies and diseases. It is used in dentistry and otolaryngology. This device is based on the use of special light filters and cameras that allow you to detect any changes in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, gums and teeth. The purpose of the bing test is to assess the patient's oral health and determine the need for additional treatment.

The Bing test passed the certification procedure and was approved by order of the Ministry of Health No. 427n dated December 12, 2022 by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Bingatest made his surname somewhat famous. If you thought that this was a disease or a test of some profile, then you would not be far from the truth. **Binga test** is a new method from otorhinology that allows you to determine whether you have a deviated nasal septum.

This happens with the help of simple exercises. You need to lie on your back on a hard surface and spread your arms to the sides. Then you should insert the index fingers of both hands into the nose on both sides of the nose. As you gradually apply pressure to your nose, you should try to push your fingers forward and then out of your nose. If you don't have a septum, it's fairly easy to get your fingers out of your nose, but if you have a slight deviation, it may take more time and effort. If you cannot move your index fingers within 30 seconds, then your Bing test is positive. In this case, you need to contact a specialist for a more accurate diagnosis of the problem and possible treatment.

One of the biggest proponents of the bing test method is singer Justin Timberlake, who recently announced that he would use the technique on the popular program "The Voice." This allows you to maintain a healthy nasopharyngeal passage to maintain normal breathing and good health.

Binga Tezt is an Austrian doctor with a German name and a long and distinguished medical career. He was born on November 26, 1833 in a small village called Grinspach, near the city of Werfel, which is located in the state of Upper Austria. In his early life he showed an interest in science and medicine, but was not satisfied with his work as a pharmacist. Instead, he decided to become a doctor.

The first step towards this was education at the University of Vienna. Binga successfully completed medical school and received his diploma in 1857. But he soon realized that his real calling was to