
Bison: a remedy for treating alcoholism

Bison is one of the drugs for the treatment of alcoholism, produced in Russia by the companies Health Technologies and Parapharm. This remedy has the international name “Bison” and is widely used in Russia to combat alcohol addiction.

According to the manufacturers' description, Bison helps reduce the desire to consume alcohol and reduce withdrawal symptoms. The product contains various plant components, such as extracts of burdock root, motherwort, fireweed, as well as B vitamins.

Bison is produced in the form of capsules, which are recommended to be taken orally according to the instructions. Before starting to take the drug, you should consult your doctor, as Bison may interact with other medications and have side effects.

Bison falls into the category of alcoholism treatment products that help reduce the desire to drink alcohol and manage the physical and psychological symptoms associated with alcohol dependence. However, like any medicine, Bison should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor in combination with other treatments and under strict medical supervision.

In conclusion, Bison is one of the alcoholism treatment products produced in Russia. This herbal remedy helps cope with the physical and psychological symptoms associated with alcohol addiction. However, before you start taking Bison, you must consult your doctor and follow the instructions for use.