Bone endothelioma Diffuse

Diffuse bone endothelioma: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Diffuse bone endothelioma, also known as bone endothelioma or bone hemangioma, is a rare disease that appears as a tumor in the bone tissue. This disease often occurs in young people, but can occur at any age.

Symptoms of diffuse bone endothelioma include pain in the area of ​​the affected bone, which may intensify with weight bearing on the limbs. The appearance of a tumor on the bones can also be noticed by palpation. With a long course of the disease, dysfunction of the corresponding limb is possible.

Diagnosis of this disease may include x-rays, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and biopsy. X-ray examination can reveal pathological bone deformation and separation. CT and MRI make it possible to more accurately determine the size of the tumor, its structure and exact location. A biopsy may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment for diffuse bone endothelioma may include surgical removal of the tumor, radiotherapy, or a combination of these methods. When choosing a treatment method, the size of the tumor, its location, degree of aggressiveness and the presence of symptoms are taken into account. In some cases, chemotherapy may be prescribed.

In general, the prognosis for patients with diffuse bone endothelioma depends on many factors, including tumor size, presence of metastases, histological type, etc. Early consultation with a doctor and timely treatment can improve the prognosis and increase the chances of recovery.