Boric Acid Solution In Glycerin

Boric acid solution in glycerin

Pharm-Group: Antiseptics - acids and alkalis

International name: Boric acid

Synonyms: Boric acid, Boric ointment, Boric acid alcohol solution, Vaseline boric

Composition: Active substance - Boric acid.

Indications for use: Conjunctivitis, weeping eczema, dermatitis, pyoderma, diaper rash, acute and chronic otitis, colpitis, pediculosis.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, impaired renal function, pregnancy, infancy (up to 1 year).

Side effects: Acute and chronic intoxication in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes, epithelial desquamation, headache, confusion, oliguria and, in rare cases, shock.

Interaction: No information.

Overdose: Symptoms of acute poisoning - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, depression of the circulatory system and central nervous system, decreased body temperature, shock and coma, erythematous rash (possible death within 5-7 days). Symptoms of chronic intoxication (with prolonged use) are irritation of the skin and mucous membranes.

Special instructions: It is not recommended to rinse the cavities - boric acid can be absorbed from their mucous membrane.