Bronchicum Cough Syrup

Bronchicum cough syrup

Bronchicum syrup is a combined preparation of plant origin that has an expectorant and antitussive effect.

Main characteristics:

  1. Country of origin - Germany
  2. Manufacturer - Rhone-Poulenc Rohrer company
  3. International name - Bronchicum
  4. Dosage form - syrup
  5. Ingredients: honey, tincture of grindelia herb, pimpinella root, primrose root, rose hips flowers, creeping thyme
  6. Indications for use: respiratory tract diseases, difficult sputum production, cough
  7. Contraindications: hypersensitivity
  8. No side effects identified
  9. Interaction with other drugs has not been established
  10. There is no data on overdose
  11. No special instructions for use

Bronchicum effectively eliminates cough in case of colds and infectious-inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. The drug thins mucus, making it easier to separate. Recommended for adults and children.