Bronchicum Elixir

Bronchicum elixir

Country of origin: Germany
Pharm-Group: Combined expectorants

Manufacturers: Rhone-Poulenc Rohrer (Germany)
International name: Bronchicum elixir
Dosage forms: oral elixir
Ingredients: Tincture of Grindelia splayed herb, tincture of wildflower root, tincture of real primrose root, tincture of quebracho bark, tincture of creeping thyme.
Indications for use: Acute and chronic diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, paroxysmal cough.
Contraindications: No data.
Side effect: Irritation of the gastric mucosa.
Interaction: No data available.
Overdose: No data.
Special instructions: No data.
Literature: Directory "Modern preparations from medicinal plants", Moscow, Ed. SME house, 1999