Bronchiectasis Hypertrophic

Bronchiectasis Hypertrophic -

Bronchiectasis is a whole complex of diseases that arise in the lungs and are accompanied by expiratory cystic dilatation of the bronchi. Cystic expansion is accompanied by a narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi and respiratory tract due to their obliteration of the mucous membrane. A bronchiectasis bronchus or bronchial trunk does not lose its lumen, but its appearance is not typical. It is not typical that at the stage of remission there are no pathognomonic symptoms characteristic of the disease - cough, sputum in large quantities, in some cases blood in the sputum. This type of bronchitis combines fibroplastic segmental emphysema against the background of chronic purulent bronchitis. According to research by scientists, the disease can have two main ways of occurrence: infectious and mechanical.

Hypertrophic type

Hyperplasia is characterized by pathological growth of the mucous membrane and an increase in its thickness. There are pronounced disturbances in electrolyte metabolism, compression and innervation. Clinical symptoms of the hypertensive type complement the standard signs of hypertrophy of the right lung. The main symptoms of the pathology in question are the presence of: - grunting wheezing; - pronounced crepitus. As a rule, with a bronchogenic or bronchial form of the disease, it manifests itself gradually and with characteristic features. That is, the symptoms increase gradually, the disease is not accompanied by acute pain, severe conditions, etc. On the contrary, hyperexpiratory cysts resemble tumor formations, that is, they grow rapidly and often bring the patient to the hospital