
Country of origin - India
Pharm-Group - Products with glucocorticosteroid activity

Manufacturers - Cipla Ltd (India)
International name - Budesonide
Synonyms - Apulein, Benacort, Benarin, Budenofalk, Budesonide, Budesonide mite, Budesonide forte, Gorakort, Pulmicort, Pulmicort turbuhaler, Tafen nasal
Dosage forms - aerosol 200mcg/dose 200dz
Composition - Active substance - budesonide.

Indications for use: Bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive bronchitis, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema.

Contraindications - Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, breastfeeding (breastfeeding should be stopped during treatment); for topical use: viral, fungal, bacterial (including tuberculosis) skin infections, lichen vulgaris, rosacea; for inhalation use: active form of pulmonary tuberculosis, fungal infections of the respiratory system.

Side effects - Local: hemorrhages, skin atrophy, superinfection, dermatitis, folliculitis, hypopigmentation, stretch marks, hypertrichosis, papular dermatitis, burning sensation, itching, systemic effects of glucocorticoids (with prolonged use of an occlusive dressing); With inhalations: dysphonia, sore throat, irritation of the larynx, cough.

Interaction - Adrenergic agonists enhance the effect. Cytochrome P450 inhibitors enhance the effect. Increases the effect of cardiac glycosides. Saluretics increase potassium excretion. Cimetidine slows down elimination.

Overdose - No data.

Special instructions - Ointment and cream should not be applied to mucous membranes (avoid contact with eyes). With prolonged use, candidiasis may develop.


  1. Register of Medicines 2003.
  2. Register of Medicines 2002.