Bussad is armed

Corals are famous. They come in red, black and white.

Cold in the first degree, dry in the third.

Actions and properties.
Astringent, hemostatic. The drying properties of corals are greater than their binding ability, and indeed their drying power is very great.

Wounds and ulcers.
They tear off excess meat.

Organs of the eye.
Corals strengthen the eye by cleansing and absorbing moisture retained in the eye, especially burnt and washed corals. Corals clear away traces of ulcers and help with lacrimation.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Red coral stops hemoptysis and promotes expectoration of sputum, as does black coral, especially when burned and washed. This is one of the medicines that clears ulcers, strengthens the heart and helps against heart failure.

Nutritional organs.
Corals are drunk with water when there is a tumor of the spleen, and this helps.

Eruption organs.
Corals help against ulcers in the intestines.