Calcium-Sandoz Forte

Calcium-Sandoz Forte: composition, indications for use, contraindications, side effects, interactions and other features

Calcium-Sandoz Forte is a drug intended to regulate calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body. It contains two forms of calcium: calcium carbonate and calcium lactogluconate. The drug is available in various dosage forms: effervescent and film-coated effervescent tablets, as well as in the form of syrup.

Calcium is an essential element for healthy bones and teeth, as well as for the proper functioning of the heart, muscles and nervous system. A lack of calcium can lead to diseases such as osteoporosis, rickets and osteomalacia. In addition, an increased need for calcium occurs in women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in children during periods of intensive growth.

The main indication for the use of Calcium-Sandoz Forte is osteoporosis of various origins, including postmenopausal, senile, caused by long-term glucocorticoid therapy, immobilization, gastrectomy. The drug can also be used for the prevention of pre- and postmenopausal bone demineralization, rickets and osteomalacia, as well as as an addition to the main therapy for latent tetany and allergic reactions.

Despite its effectiveness, Calcium-Sandoz Forte has a number of contraindications for use. It is not recommended in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, hypercalcemia (including hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D overdose, decalcifying tumors), severe hypercalciuria and severe renal failure. You should also be careful when prescribing the drug to patients with mild hypercalciuria, with mild or moderately severe renal dysfunction, as well as in the presence of a history of renal failure.

Calcium-Sandoz Forte may cause mild side effects such as flatulence, constipation or diarrhea. In addition, when used simultaneously with certain other drugs (for example, estramustine, etidronate, bisphosphonates, phenytoin, quinolones, oral tetracycline antibiotics and fluoride preparations), calcium absorption may be reduced. The simultaneous use of Calcium-Sandoz Forte with drugs containing iron, magnesium, zinc may lead to a decrease in their effectiveness.

Before using Calcium-Sandoz Forte, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions for use. The dosage of the drug may vary depending on the indications and age of the patient. For example, for adults the drug is usually prescribed at a dose of 1-2 tablets per day, divided into several doses.

In general, Calcium-Sandoz Forte is an effective drug for the treatment of osteoporosis and the prevention of bone diseases. However, before using it, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions for use to avoid possible side effects and contraindications.