Carrot sowing.


Biennial herbaceous plant of the celery family, up to 30 cm high. Leaves are long-petiolate, twice and thrice pinnately dissected. Petioles are pubescent.

In the 1st year of life it forms a root crop. Blooms in the 2nd year. The flowers are collected in a complex umbrella.

The fruit is two-seeded.

Carrots are widespread throughout almost the entire territory of Russia. It serves as a raw material for the vitamin industry.

Root vegetables are red, orange-red and yellow in color. Used for food raw and boiled. They are included in seasonings, side dishes, sauces, vinaigrettes, pilaf, pies and cutlets.

Carrots are dried, fermented with cabbage and canned. Red varieties of carrots are used to color fats, butter and margarine. Feed carrots are a valuable feed for livestock.

The crop is cultivated in loose sandy and light loamy soils with a deep arable layer. For normal development it requires a lot of calcium. Fertilizers should be applied based on the quality of the soil.

Before planting, add ash, well-decomposed humus or compost at the rate of 4-5 kg ​​per 1 m2. Fresh manure cannot be scattered.

Root vegetables contain carotene, vitamins C, K, PP and group B, as well as iron, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, copper, cobalt, magnesium, silicon and other trace elements, fatty and essential oils, flavonoids and carbohydrates.

They contain the amino acids ornithine, asparagine, serine, 1 proline and other essential amino acids that are not synthesized in the body and must be supplied with food - lysine, threonine, methionine and leucine.

Flavone derivatives, essential and fatty oils were found in the seeds. A sum of flavonoids called daucarin was isolated from the seeds.

The oils contain linoleic and linolenic acids.

The high content of carotene allows carrots to be used as a source of vitamin A, the deficiency of which causes increased fatigue, decreased appetite, resistance to colds and infectious diseases, dysfunction of the skin and gastrointestinal tract, the development of anemia, and decreased or loss of twilight vision.

A significant loss of vitamin A (along with vitamin C and B vitamins) is observed during heavy physical work, especially in hot weather, and against the background of a lack of oxygen.

In these cases, fresh carrots or their juice are consumed to prevent and treat hypovitaminosis. However, in diseases of the liver and thyroid gland, carrot carotene is not absorbed. In these cases, take vitamin A, which is available in pharmacies.

Carrots and carrot juice are used for therapeutic nutrition for diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys and disorders of mineral metabolism. They are also valued in baby food. But excess amounts of vitamin A are harmful to the body.

Children, for example, may experience fever, vomiting, sweating, drowsiness, and skin rashes.

Grated carrots are used for constipation and hemorrhoids, 1 glass at night. Juice with honey (1:1) or grated carrots boiled in milk are used for colds.

To prevent and treat obesity, it is recommended to eat carrots, cabbage and cranberries, as they contain a lot of iodine.

Carrot juice is used to rinse the mouth and throat for inflammatory diseases. It is used to treat urolithiasis.

Fresh gruel of root vegetables is applied to burns, ulcers and purulent wounds. It is more effective to use an infusion of carrot seeds, especially wild ones.

To prepare an infusion of seeds, pour 1 tablespoon of raw material into 1 glass of hot water, leave overnight, boil for 3 minutes in the morning, cool and filter.

Take 1 glass 3 times a day before meals, warm. For hemorrhoids, it is recommended to drink tea made from carrot leaves.

For dry skin, make carrot masks.

To do this, grate 2-3 root vegetables, mix with one egg yolk and apply a thin layer