Cavernous Sinus Syndrome

Cavernous sinus syndrome, which talks about a syndrome associated with "sinus air spaces".

Cavernous sinus syndrome (CSS) is a condition characterized by pathological symptoms associated with pressure or dysfunction in any of the sinus airways, including the sphenoid sinus, orbit, antral sinuses, sphenoidal sinus, and oral sinus. This syndrome may be symptomatic of illnesses such as flu, colds, allergies, or head and facial injuries.

The clinical presentation of SPP can be severe, but is often characterized by symptoms of discomfort with nasal discomfort, pain around the eyes, nose, upper jaw and forehead, as well as a feeling of pressure in the ears, neck and shoulder muscles. Some people may experience difficulty breathing through the nose, fluid in the sinuses, or inflammation of the sinuses.

There is currently no consensus on the exact diagnosis

Cavernous sinus syndrome is a rare and unusual condition that is characterized by the sudden onset of severe pressure and pain in the upper head and facial area, as well as blurred vision, dizziness, nausea and even fainting. This disease is often associated with changes in the arterial blood, such as high blood pressure and increased cholesterol mass, which in turn leads to disorders