Celiac disease

Celiase: an effective fibrinolytic agent

Celiase is a pharmacological drug produced in Russia. It belongs to the group of fibrinolytic agents and is widely used in medical practice to treat various conditions associated with thrombosis and thromboembolism.

The drug Celiaza is produced by the State Scientific Institute for Standardization and Control of Medicines, Immunobiological Preparations and Cosmetic Products (GNIISKLS) in Russia. It is also widely known by the international name "Streptokinase" and has several synonyms, such as "Avelizin", "Avelizin Brown", "Cabikinase", "Streptase" and others.

Celiase is available in standard dosage form. Its active substance is streptokinase, which is an enzymatic protein isolated from the culture of various strains of Streptococcus haemolyticus. The molecular weight of streptokinase is about 5000 daltons.

The drug Celiaza is used in the following cases:

  1. Acute myocardial infarction (within the first 12 hours);
  2. Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery and its branches;
  3. Arterial thrombosis (acute, subacute and chronic);
  4. Thrombosis of peripheral arteries;
  5. Thrombosis due to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in children, including catheterization in newborns;
  6. Hemodialysis shunt thrombosis;
  7. Thrombosis during heart valve replacement;
  8. Chronic obliterating endarteritis;
  9. Chronic occlusive arterial diseases;
  10. Rethrombosis after vascular surgery;
  11. Obliteration of arteriovenous shunt;
  12. Occlusion of the central vessels of the retina;
  13. Vein thrombosis (acute deep vein thrombosis of the extremities and pelvis, thrombosis of the subclavian veins or veins of internal organs, rethrombosis after vascular surgery);
  14. Flushing intravenous catheters, including hemodialysis catheters;
  15. Mono- or combination therapy for rest angina in acute myocardial infarction.

However, the drug Celiaza has some contraindications. It is not recommended in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as in case of acute bleeding, internal hemorrhage, etc.

...eye blood pressure (BP) above 180/110 mm Hg. Art. You should also be careful when prescribing Celiase to patients at risk of bleeding, bleeding disorders, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

The dosage and regimen of Celiase depend on the individual characteristics of the patient and the characteristics of the disease. The drug is usually given intravenously, often as an infusion. The duration and speed of administration are determined by the doctor in accordance with the clinical situation.

Celiase has pronounced fibrinolytic activity. It promotes the destruction of fibrin clot, improves microcirculation and restores vascular patency. With proper use of the drug, positive results can be achieved in the treatment of thrombosis and thromboembolism.

Like any medicine, Celiase may cause side effects. Some of them include allergic reactions, hemorrhagic complications, increased liver enzymes and others. Therefore, before using Celiase, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the patient and evaluate the benefits of treatment compared to the possible risks.

It is important to note that the information I have provided is current as of my last update in September 2021. It is recommended that you consult a healthcare professional or consult relevant sources of information to obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information about Celiaza.



"Consideration and evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of enzymatic drugs"

*Relevance of the topic*: Therapy for acute hemodynamically significant circulatory disorders due to myocardial infarction is a mandatory component of intensive care. Hypothetically, enzymes dissolve blood clots, although evidence for drugs suggests their aggregation and blockage of the lumen of small vessels. Taking into account the experience of using thrombolytic (enzymatic drugs) - fibrinolysis, there is a need to study the regimes of use of enzyme drugs, taking into account the nuances of pharmacology, biology, and clinical picture. For some patients and even entire regions, such therapy becomes vital. **The purpose** of my work is to prove the feasibility of using therapeutic enzyme blockade as a universal addition to “standard complex therapy.”

The article will highlight the most popular drugs - enzyme preparations (fibrinolysis), problems of their modern use, mechanisms of action and possibilities for correcting the course of hemorrhage. Initial assumption: clinical manifestations of most enzyme inhibitors occur in the early stages of cell invasion and are associated with complex mechanisms mediated by the involvement of factors in the general (tissue) circulation.