Cells Supporting

Supportive cells are a type of cell that help maintain the structure and function of the body's organs and tissues. They form the basis of connective tissue and play an important role in the organization and functioning of organs.

Supporting cells are divided into several types, including collagen-producing cells, osteogenic cells, cartilage cells, and fibroblastic cells. All of them carry out their function through the synthesis and secretion of certain proteins and enzymes, as well as by ensuring intercellular interaction and control over the structure and functions of surrounding tissues.

Collagen-produced cells are the main structural elements of the body's connective tissue, their share makes up up to 80% of all cells in the body. Collagens are a group of proteins consisting of three different sections: two stretches of alpha chains alternating with a stretch of beta chain. Each chain fragment has a unique amino acid sequence. The collagen molecule contains from 300 to several thousand amino acids; she happens to be