
A cystoprostatovesiculectomy is a surgical procedure performed to remove the bladder, prostate gland, and seminal vesicles. This is a complex procedure that requires a highly qualified surgeon and appropriate equipment.

Cystoprostatovesiculectomy may be necessary for various diseases of the genitourinary system, such as bladder cancer, prostate cancer, or other neoplasms in the bladder or prostate. This operation can also be performed to treat various urinary tract infections.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and includes several stages. First, the surgeon makes an incision in the abdominal wall and removes the bladder and prostate gland. He then removes the seminal vesicles, which are located at the bottom of the prostate.

After the operation, the patient must remain in the hospital under the supervision of doctors for several days. After this, he can return to normal activities, but will need to take medications to control the infection and prevent blood clots.

In general, cystoprostatvesicleectomy is a complex and risky operation that requires a high level of professionalism from the surgeon and careful preparation of the patient. However, if it is needed to treat serious diseases, then this operation can save the patient's life and improve his quality of life.