Constipation Symptomatic

We do not welcome symptomatic constipation, and we also welcome colic and any other manifestations of digestive problems. However, in this article we will not discuss the causes of symptomatic constipation. Instead, we'll look at what to do if you have this problem. This is especially important when it comes to people over 50 years of age. Therefore, it is important to understand what symptomatic constipation is and its consequences for human health.

Symptomatic constipation is the excessive formation of constipation, which is manifested by a delay in the excretion of solid intestinal excreta. Diseases of pathological processes that manifest themselves as symptomatic constipation include inflammatory bowel diseases, oncological processes, dystrophic changes in the gastrointestinal tract, but bowel movements themselves in patients can be either frequent or occasional.

Long-term constipation with various intestinal diseases increases the functional breakdown of the walls

Symptomatic constipation is a condition in which a person experiences problems with bowel movements for more than two days. Symptoms of constipation can appear either periodically or constantly.

As a rule, constipation is not an independent disease, but a consequence of other diseases. For example, constipation can occur due to hormonal imbalance, cardiovascular disorder