Corrector Interdigital

Interdigital corrector: an effective tool for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the fingers

An interdigital corrector is a medical product that is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the fingers. It helps correct their position and reduce stress on the joints, which helps reduce pain and improve movement.

The interdigital corrector is produced in Russia by two manufacturers: the medical company "Parizot" and the Reutov Experimental Plant of Prosthetics. It belongs to the group of products for traumatology and orthopedics.

The international name for the interdigital corrector is “Corrector”. It also has several synonyms, such as “Brace for slouching”, “Posture Corrector”, “Posture Rectifier”, “Orthopedic Posture Corrector” and “Orthosis Corrector”.

The interdigital corrector consists of several parts that are put on the fingers. It has a comfortable design that allows you to wear it even for long periods of time. Interdigital correctors come in different sizes, so before purchasing, you need to determine the right size.

The interdigital corrector is used to treat various diseases of the fingers, such as deformities, arthritis, arthrosis, injuries, fractures and others. It helps reduce stress on joints and reduce pain. In addition, the interdigital corrector can be used to prevent diseases associated with incorrect position of the fingers and joints.

However, before using an interdigital corrector, you should consult a doctor to make sure that it is necessary and to choose the correct size. It is also not recommended to use an interdigital corrector if you have open wounds and ulcers on your fingers.

In general, the interdigital corrector is an effective tool for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the fingers. It helps improve movement and reduce pain, allowing people to live full lives without limitations.