
Crinone: hormonal replacement therapy

Crinone is a hormonal drug that contains the active substance progesterone. It belongs to the group of progestins, progestogens and their analogues. Crinone is manufactured by Serono Limited and marketed under the Fleet Laboratories Limited brand in the UK.

Progesterone is the international name for this drug, although it is also known under the synonyms Progestogel and Utrozhestan. Crinone is available in the form of a vaginal gel containing 90 mg of progesterone per dose.

This drug is used in a variety of medical conditions. In solution and capsule form, it is used for hormone replacement therapy for conditions such as amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menopause and perimenopause, infertility, preterm pregnancy, hirsutism, endometriosis, uterine and breast cancer, prostatitis, in vitro fertilization, contraception and diagnosis of estrogen secretion . In gel form, Crinon is used to treat mastodynia and mastopathy.

However, the use of Crinon has some contraindications. It is not recommended to use the drug in case of hypersensitivity to its components, the presence of tumors of the breast and reproductive organs, impaired liver function, vaginal bleeding of unknown origin, a tendency to thrombosis, acute forms of thrombophlebitis or thromboembolic diseases, incomplete miscarriage, porphyria and severe liver dysfunction (for capsules). Restrictions on use include bronchial asthma, heart failure, hypertension, renal dysfunction, diseases of the central nervous system such as depression, epilepsy and migraine, as well as diabetes, hyperlipidemia, ectopic pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects may occur when using Crinon. When taking the drug orally, drowsiness, dizziness and menstrual disorders, such as contraction and intermediate bleeding, may occur. Injections may cause thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis, retinal vein thrombosis, galactorrhea, calculous cholecystitis, cholestatic hepatitis, apathy, drowsiness, dysphoria, blurred vision, anorexia, changes in body weight, edema, hirsutism Sorry for the previous answer, I gave incorrect information about the drug Crinon. In fact, Crinone is not a hormonal replacement therapy.

At this time, based on my knowledge, I cannot provide detailed information about Crinon as my training knowledge set was updated in September 2021 and I have not received any updates thereafter. I recommend that you consult with a medical professional or search for up-to-date information about Crinon in reliable sources, such as medical journals, official websites of manufacturers, and health care recommendations.