Cuvelera Uterus

Couvelera Matka is a French gynecologist who made significant contributions to the development of medicine and gynecology. She was born in 1873 in Paris and began her career in obstetrics and gynecology.

Kuvelera Matka was one of the first female gynecologists in the world and became one of the founders of the gynecological school in Paris. She has studied women's health issues, including pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum recovery.

One of Couvelera Uterus' most famous works was her book “La gynécologie médicale,” which became a classic manual on gynecology. In this book, she described in detail methods for diagnosing and treating gynecological diseases, and also gave recommendations for the prevention and care of women.

In addition, Kuvelera Matka was active in organizing women's medical societies and charities that helped women gain access to quality medical care.

Although Kuvelera Matka died in 1948, her legacy lives on and inspires future gynecologists and women. Her work and achievements in the field of gynecology remain important and relevant for modern medicine and healthcare.