
Cystolithiasis is a disease characterized by the formation of stones in the bladder.

Causes of cystolithiasis

The main reasons for the development of cystolithiasis are:

  1. urinary disorders (neurogenic bladder dysfunction, urethral strictures, prostate adenoma)

  2. chronic inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract

  3. metabolic disorders (hypercalciuria, hyperuricemia, hyperoxaluria)

  4. long-term use of certain medications

  5. vesicointestinal fistulas

  6. immobilization of the patient

Symptoms of cystolithiasis

The main symptoms of cystolithiasis:

  1. pain in the lower abdomen

  2. frequent and painful urination

  3. hematuria (blood in the urine)

  4. nocturia (frequent urination at night)

With a significant size of stones, disturbances in the outflow of urine from the kidneys and the development of hydronephrosis can be observed.

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis of cystolithiasis is established on the basis of ultrasound data and excretory urography.

The main method of treatment is the removal of stones from the bladder (cystolithotomy, cystolithotripsy). If complications occur, surgical treatment may be required.

Prevention of cystolithiasis consists of timely treatment of urinary tract infections, elimination of urodynamic disorders, and correction of metabolic disorders.

Cystolithiasis is a disease characterized by the formation of stones in the bladder. Stones can come in different sizes and shapes, but they are usually made of calcium salts that accumulate in the bladder and form stones.

Cystolithiasis can be caused by various factors, such as genetic predisposition, poor diet, insufficient water intake, urinary tract infections, and certain medications.

Symptoms of cystolithiasis may include bladder pain, frequent urination, difficulty urinating, blood in the urine, and general abdominal discomfort.

If you suspect you have cystolithiasis, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Treatment may include drug therapy, surgery, or a combination of these methods.