Dextrose 5%

Dextrose 5%: description, use and side effects

Dextrose 5% is an infusion solution containing 5% dextrose. Dextrose is synonymous with glucose and is one of the body's main sources of energy. Dextrose 5% is produced by Wockhard Limited in India and belongs to the pharmacological group “Sugars and sweeteners”.

Indications for the use of Dextrose 5% include hypoglycemia, hypoglycemic coma, hypovolemia, dehydration, shock, collapse and intoxication. In addition, the solution is used to prepare drug solutions. Dextrose 5% can be used in surgical, trauma and resuscitation practice.

Contraindications to the use of Dextrose 5% include diabetes mellitus and various conditions accompanied by hyperglycemia. When using the solution, side effects may occur, such as fever, tissue inflammation at the injection site, thrombosis and/or thrombophlebitis, hypervolemia and acute left ventricular failure. Fever, tissue inflammation, and thrombosis may be associated with poor asepsis during solution preparation or injection technique.

Interactions of Dextrose 5% with other drugs have not been described. There is no data on overdose.

Dextrose 5% is an effective and safe solution for infusion that can be used in various fields of medicine. However, its use must be carried out under the supervision of qualified medical personnel. If you have any questions about using Dextrose 5%, contact your doctor or pharmacist.