
Determinant (from Latin determinans - limiting, determining) is a factor in genetics that determines the manifestation of a particular trait.

Determinants are genes, sections of chromosomes that influence the formation of certain characteristics of an organism. Determinants control the processes of cell differentiation and tissue development in the body.

Protein-coding genes are the determinants of most traits. For example, the collagen gene determines the structure of connective tissue, the insulin gene controls blood sugar levels.

Thus, determinants are factors that determine the phenotype of an organism by influencing gene expression and protein synthesis. The study of determinants is important for understanding the mechanisms of heredity and variability.

Determinants are elements of the genome that control the process of determining and inheriting the characteristics of an organism. They are also known as developmental control genes or regulatory genes. Determinants play an important role in the development and growth of animals, plants and microorganisms, as well as in determining their sex and the characteristics of their offspring.

Determinant genes are often located on special regions of chromosomes called regulatory genes. These regions have a specific nucleotide sequence that allows them to regulate the expression of other genes. Regulatory genes can also influence the activity of other determinants, allowing for more precise control of development and heredity.

One of the best known determinants is the Hox gene, which controls the location of various body parts in bird embryos. For example, the Hox-16 gene is responsible for the location of the base of a bird's tail, and the Hox17 gene is responsible for the location of the right and left legs.

In addition, determinants may be influenced by external factors such as hormonal changes, carcinogens or stress. For example, some studies have shown that exposure to pesticides or environmental pollution can affect the expression of determinants, reducing their functionality or increasing the risk of disease.

The study of determinant genes is of great importance for understanding the mechanisms of development and heredity of living organisms. Studying this phenomenon will make it possible to create healthier and more resilient organisms that are less exposed to environmental factors.