Diagnosticums Influenza

Influenza diagnosticums: what they are and how they are used

Influenza diagnostics are sets of diagnostic tools designed to determine the presence of influenza virus in the human body. They are used for quick and accurate diagnosis of influenza, which allows treatment to begin as early as possible, as well as to prevent the spread of the virus to others.

Influenza diagnostics are produced in Russia, in particular, by the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums and an enterprise for the production of bacterial preparations. The international name for influenza diagnostics is Influenza Diagnostics.

Dosage forms of influenza diagnosticums are presented in the form of dry powders and ampoules. Dry powders are intended for use in the RTGA (solid-phase agglutination reaction), which is one of the methods for determining the presence of the influenza virus. Ampoules contain 1 ml of dry powder of various types of influenza, depending on the seasonality and prevalence of the virus.

To diagnose influenza using influenza diagnostics, capillary blood is usually used, which is drawn from the patient’s finger. Next, a drop of blood is applied to the test strip, and then a solution from the ampoule with diagnosticum is added. If influenza virus is present in the blood, a positive reaction appears on the test strip, which can be seen as a colored stripe.

One of the main advantages of influenza diagnostics is their high accuracy and speed of diagnosis. Test results can be obtained within 10-15 minutes after the test. Thanks to this, treatment for influenza can be started quickly, which contributes to a faster recovery of the patient and reduces the risk of spreading the virus to others.

Thus, influenza diagnosticums are an important tool for diagnosing influenza and preventing its spread. They have high accuracy and speed, which allows you to start treatment as early as possible.