Diagnosticums Salmonella O

Salmonella diagnosticums O

Diagnosticums Salmonella O are used for serological diagnosis of salmonellosis.

Country of origin: Russia
Pharmaceutical group: Various diagnostic tools

Manufacturers: St. Petersburg Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums and an enterprise for the production of bacterial preparations (Russia)

International name: Salmonella diagnosticums

Synonyms: Diagnosticums Salmonella, Diagnosticums Salmonella Vi, Diagnosticums Salmonella H

Dosage forms: for RA liquid amp 10ml

Diagnosticums Salmonella O are inactivated antigens obtained from cultures of Salmonella of various serovars. They are used for serological diagnosis of salmonellosis using an agglutination reaction. Diagnosticums are available in liquid form in 10 ml ampoules.