
Diplocheiria is a developmental anomaly in which there is duplication of one or both arms. The name comes from the Greek words diplo - "double" and cheir - "hand".

With diplocheiria, complete or partial duplication of the hand, forearm or entire arm is observed. This is a rare congenital disease, the causes of which are not fully understood. It is assumed that diplocheiria is caused by a violation of the embryonic development of limbs in the early stages.

The clinical manifestations of diplocheiria vary from case to case. Dual limbs may be fully developed and functional or have various developmental defects. Most often the hand or forearm is doubled. Complete duplication of the entire arm is less common.

Diagnosis of diplocheria is based on visual examination and radiography. Treatment is usually surgical and is aimed at eliminating additional limbs or their segments. The prognosis depends on the extent of the lesion and the possibility of adequate correction. With timely treatment, good functional results can be achieved.