
Dyssomnia is a sleep disorder expressed in difficulty falling asleep, an increase in the time it takes to fall asleep (20 minutes compared to the norm for a given individual), difficulty maintaining sleep, changes in the depth of sleep and the sleep-wake rhythm; accompanied by unpleasant dreams or insomnia.

There are several types of sleep disorders: insomnia (inability to fall asleep), parasomnia, oligosomnia, hypersomnia. Parasomnias with insomnia resolve due to treatment of the underlying disease. Insomnia symptoms may develop at night or in the morning, from 2 to 5 hours of each cycle. In this case, the maximum duration of the sleep cycle decreases.

Hypersomnia is a sign of disadaptation, deactivation, alcohol intoxication, organic causes, and some neuroses. Hypersomnia is a pathological increase in the level of functioning, manifested by various pathologies of wakefulness. Hypersomnia is almost always a symptom of alcoholism or drug addiction. She may also be