Skin Dystrophy Colloid

Colloidal dystrophy (dystrophy) of the skin is a disease of unknown nature, characterized by dystrophic changes in the skin and recurrent petechial subcutaneous hemorrhages in various areas of the skin, in some cases, the formation of ulcers. There are several synonyms for the term: “benyedystrophy”, “lupus pityriasis keratosis”.\n **Causes of occurrence.**\nThe etiology of skin dystrophy is not clear. It occurs under the influence of several factors, among which the most common cause is intoxication with food, fungi, parazol substances, chemicals, toluene, benzene or heavy metals. In some, although rare cases, it is a hereditarily determined syndrome associated with alcoholism. The onset of the disease is more often observed in women aged 35-60 years.\n Colloidal dermatitis affects mainly the skin of the torso, spreading simultaneously to the upper limb.\nDermatitis is often limited in nature (convex gray papules), a tubercle appears, from which it later develops extensive lesion (butterfly type). The rash is accompanied by severe itching, and the hands and face swell. The skin thickens greatly. The pathological process can be combined with alveolar pyomyelogranuloma

Chronic inflammation of the skin is atypical for atopic dermatitis, lichenification of the skin in psoriasis. Dystrophic changes can be symmetrical and more pronounced in the area of ​​the hands; There are teardrop-shaped, plate-like elements of Dystrophies that resemble sunburned skin with noticeable teardrop-shaped accumulations of granules. The formation of scales is always difficult;

Almost all layers of the skin are involved in the process, but the palpebral region of the eyelids, the periorbital region, open areas of the body (face, neck, upper chest, lateral surfaces of the body) are affected more often than others. The prevalence of the rash can vary - from individual elements (scattered papules or scales) to multiple bright (purple, brown) cloudy spots, dry scales, scaly areas and small drop-shaped clusters that form plaques. The affected areas are usually separated from each other by delineated boundaries or erosions and persist for a long time; Damage to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, eyes, genitals and perianal area is rare. The scales peel off, the surface of the affected skin is shiny with a characteristic honey tint. Changes in skin color occur due to the increased content of copper and iron in it → the appearance of brownish-red shades. Nail plates lose their shine, become brittle, often lumpy, thinner at the edges, and are destroyed in matrix, which is accompanied by their deformation and frequent deformation of the phalanges of the fingers. Complications In children, secondary infections are especially dangerous: trophic ulcers and erysipelas. Skin treatment From the outside, dermatosis is treated with a combination of anti-inflammatory external drugs: glucocorticosteroids, antibacterial agents, keratolytic softening drugs. Gradual normalization of the chemical composition of the blood and its immune reactivity.