Do you like bitter coffee? Discover your secret passions...

Scientists at the Leopold and Franz University of Innsbruck in Austria have proven that there is a direct relationship between a person’s addiction to bitter foods and the presence of psychopathic tendencies. First of all, their arguments relate to everyone’s favorite coffee.

Coffee tells you about your character

After conducting research, psychologists were able to establish that there is a correlation between frequent consumption of bitter foods (primarily coffee) with a person’s tendency to manipulate and control other people, narcissism and even sadism.

500 men and women took part in the experiment. Participants were invited to study their food preferences for sweet, salty, bitter and sour. To obtain specific data, participants had to rate the taste of foods such as chocolate cake, bacon, vinegar and radishes on a six-point scale ranging from dislike to liking.

Subjects then completed 4 questionnaires. In the first, they assessed the level of aggressiveness, in the second, the level of Machiavellianism and narcissism, in the third, extraversion, friendliness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and intelligence, and in the fourth, the degree of manifestation of sadistic tendencies.

Thus, after evaluating the results provided by the participants in the experiment, scientists were able to establish a direct connection between the preference for bitter foods and a tendency towards Machiavellianism, sadism and narcissism.