Dr. Theiss Phytopastils With Honey Flavor

Dr. Theiss is a German company that produces natural nutritional supplements and medicines based on herbs and plant extracts. One of the products of this company is phytopastils with honey flavor.

Phytopastils are a dietary supplement that contains extracts of plant ingredients such as eucalyptus, mint, sage, thyme and others. These ingredients have many health benefits such as anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and soothing effects. In addition, phytopastils contain essential oils that have a pleasant aroma and taste.

Dr. Theiss honey-flavored phytopastils are produced in Germany by Dr. Theiss Naturwaren GmbH. This company has a long history in producing natural health products and its products are very popular all over the world.

Dr. Theiss' honey-flavored phytopastils have a pleasant sweetish taste and aroma, which makes them especially attractive to children and adults. They are an excellent alternative to regular candies and candies, as they do not contain sugar or artificial colors.

These phytopastils are recommended for use for coughs, sore throats, runny nose and other colds. They help soften irritated mucous membranes and reduce inflammation, which promotes rapid recovery.

In conclusion, Dr. Theiss honey-flavored herbal pastilles are an excellent choice for those who care about their health and want to get a pleasant feeling from food. They are a natural and safe way to improve well-being and maintain immunity.