Doppelgerz Ginseng

Doppelhertz Ginseng: a tonic from Germany

Doppelhertz Ginseng is a tonic produced in Germany by Queisser Pharma GmbH and Co. The drug contains ginseng root powder in a dosage of 180 mg, as well as other ingredients such as microcrystalline cellulose, high-chain partial glyceride, gelatin, iron oxide yellow (E172), iron oxide red (E172), dye (E171) and purified water.

Doppelhertz Ginseng belongs to the pharmacological group of general tonics and is used to improve well-being during prolonged mental and physical stress, as well as as a tonic for asthenia and neurasthenia. In addition, the drug can be used during the period of convalescence after illnesses (including infectious diseases), surgical operations, to increase the body's resistance to stressful situations and adverse effects of environmental factors, as well as to increase performance and the ability to concentrate.

Contraindications to the use of Doppelgerz Ginseng include arterial hypertension, insomnia, increased bleeding, liver disease, increased excitability, epilepsy, pregnancy, lactation (breastfeeding) and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The drug is not recommended for use in children under 12 years of age.

When using Doppelgerz Ginseng according to indications in recommended doses, side effects rarely develop. These include dizziness, insomnia, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. There is no data on the interaction of the drug with other drugs or on its overdose.

Special instructions when using Doppelgerz Ginseng include the following: do not take the drug in the afternoon; It is not recommended to prescribe the drug to children under 12 years of age.

In conclusion, Doppelhertz Ginseng is a tonic containing ginseng root powder, manufactured in Germany by Queisser Pharma GmbH & Co. The drug is used to improve well-being during prolonged mental and physical stress, and also as a tonic for asthenia and neurasthenia. When using the drug according to indications in recommended doses, side effects rarely develop, however, contraindications to its use must be taken into account. It is important not to abuse the drug and follow the instructions for its use. If you have any questions about using Doppelhertz Ginseng, ask your doctor or pharmacist.