Dose Lethal Minimum

The lethal minimum dose (Dlm) is the minimum amount of a substance that can cause death with a single dose. It depends on many factors, such as age, gender, weight, health status, etc.

In medicine, Dlm is used to determine a safe dose in the treatment of various diseases. For example, when treating cancer with chemotherapy, Dlm can be used to determine the optimal dose of a drug that will not cause serious side effects but will be effective enough to kill cancer cells.

Dlm can also be used to determine the dose of poisons and toxins that can be deadly to the body. For example, to determine the minimum dose of cyanide required for fatal poisoning.

However, it should be noted that determining Dlm is a complex task and it is not always possible to accurately determine its value. Therefore, when using medications or toxins, you must strictly follow the instructions and recommendations of your doctor.

The concept of a “minimum lethal dose” (LSD) is the minimum amount of a drug that causes general symptoms of the disease, as well as a progressive deterioration in the functions of vital organs and systems, but does not lead to the death of the patient. **It should be distinguished:** + LSD (localized) - the dosage of the drug is designed to restore or eliminate local symptoms, for example, headache, joint swelling, etc.; + msd (maximum) – maximum dosage per unit of time for systematic use. Since the principle of synergy states that the addition of a drug does not increase the effect, but decreases it, it does not always imply the joint administration of drugs; * msm (minimum lethal dose - LMD) - the minimum amount of a chemical substance that has the same effect on living organisms, leading to an equivalent change in physiological processes. LMD is approximately 50% or more of mkt * Depends on the degree of toxicity of the pharmacologically active components included in the product. The most toxic are B vitamins, analgesics, cardiovascular stimulants and other drugs. It is believed that almost all medicines consist of weak poisons. Example: acetic acid is a poison, but weak enough not to have a harmful effect on the body in the total volume of water drunk