Scottish shower

Scottish shower: An excellent combination of comfort and wellness

The Scotch shower, also known as the "Scottish shower" or "contrast shower", is a special form of hydrotherapy that is popular for its many health and well-being benefits. This type of shower is a procedure in which a person is alternately exposed to jets of hot and cold water supplied under pressure.

Historically, Scotch showers have their roots in the traditions of Scottish mountain springs, where people discovered the healing properties of immersing themselves in cold running waters after visiting hot springs. This experience inspired the birth of the Scottish shower, which combines both of these elements in one procedure.

The basic principle of the Scottish shower is to periodically change the water temperature. Hot water dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow, stimulating circulation and overall metabolism. On the other hand, cold water constricts blood vessels and improves skin tone, strengthens the immune system and relieves inflammation.

The benefits of a Scotch shower are numerous. Firstly, it stimulates the overall tone of the body, elevates mood and increases energy. Changing water temperatures causes the body to react to changing conditions, which contributes to its adaptation and strengthening.

In addition, Scottish showers can help improve blood circulation and metabolism. Hot water dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition, while cold water helps to narrow blood vessels and improve venous outflow. This helps eliminate swelling and improve drainage of the lymphatic system.

One of the most notable benefits of Scotch shower is its positive effect on the skin. The combination of hot and cold water stimulates collagen production, improves blood circulation in the skin and promotes its elasticity and healthy appearance. In addition, Scotch showers can help combat skin problems such as acne and inflammation.

It's important to note that Scotch showers are not recommended for everyone. People with cardiovascular disease, hypertension or other medical contraindications are advised to consult a doctor before undergoing such a procedure. Additionally, care should be taken when regulating the water temperature and avoiding extreme changes to avoid possible injury or stress to the body.

In conclusion, the Scottish shower is a unique and effective way to combine comfort and wellness. Its periodic alternation of hot and cold water under pressure helps improve blood circulation, metabolism, skin tone and overall well-being. However, it is recommended that you consult with a healthcare professional before undertaking this procedure to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your individual health condition.

Scottish shower or DS is a specially developed system of contrast effects, combining techniques from classical hydrotherapy (contrast shower) and unconventional reflexology (primarily acupressure). Jets of water alternately, as in a classic shower, are replaced by hot and cold water, but the effect is strictly dosed. The combination of high temperature cold and cold water improves elasticity,