Edas-120 Venomil

Country of origin: Russia

Pharm-Group: Homeopathic venotonics

Manufacturers: Edas (Russia)

International name: Edas-120

Composition: Alcohol (30 vol. %) solution for oral administration in the form of drops: Aesculus hippocasta-num C3, Arnica montana C6, Pulsatilla vulgaris C3, Hamamelis virginiana C3.

Indications for use: Varicose veins, trophic ulcers of the lower extremities, hemorrhoids.

Contraindications: None.

Side effects: Not identified.

Interaction: Compatible with any pharmacological agents.

Overdose: No data.

Special instructions: The bottle must be shaken before use. It is recommended to use Edas-203 ointment simultaneously

Literature: Register of Medicines of Russia. Ed. 8.