
Edematous (from the Greek oidema, oidematos - swelling, edema) is an adjective denoting the presence of edema or a tendency to edema.

Edema (edema) is an excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the body, leading to swelling. The causes of edema can be very different - disorders of the heart, kidneys, liver, allergic reactions, injuries, infections, etc.

The term "edematous" is used to describe conditions and diseases accompanied by severe swelling. For example, the edema form of nephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys, in which fluid retention occurs and swelling develops. With edema eczema, the skin in the affected areas becomes swollen due to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues. Edematous changes are observed in heart and liver failure, since the outflow of fluid from the tissues is disrupted.

Thus, edema is a term indicating the presence of pronounced edema in certain pathological conditions of the body.