Echinacea Plus C

Echinacea plus C: General strengthening drug from the Russian company Ecco plus

Echinacea plus C is a general health-improving drug produced by the Russian company Ecco Plus. It consists of echinacea extract and vitamin C, which have many beneficial properties for the body.

Echinacea, or purple sweetheart, is one of the most famous plants used in traditional medicine. It has immunomodulatory properties and helps strengthen the immune system. Echinacea extract contains biologically active substances such as flavonoids, polysaccharides and alkylamides, which help improve the immune system's response to infections and restore health after illness.

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is an important antioxidant and is necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system. It is involved in the process of collagen synthesis, which supports healthy skin, joints, bones and gums. Vitamin C also helps increase the absorption of iron from plant food sources.

The combination of echinacea extract and vitamin C in Echinacea Plus C provides a synergistic effect, enhancing the body's immune defense and promoting its overall strengthening. The drug can be especially useful during periods of seasonal colds and flu, when strengthening the immune system is especially important.

Echinacea plus C is produced in Russia by Ecco Plus, which is known for its high-quality production and compliance with safety standards. The drug is available in various forms including tablets, capsules or syrup, providing ease of choice for patients.

In conclusion, Echinacea Plus C is a general health supplement containing Echinacea extract and Vitamin C. It helps strengthen the immune system and keep it healthy during times of increased need. Due to its high quality and effectiveness, Echinacea Plus C is a popular choice among people looking to support their overall well-being and strengthen their immunity.