Medical-Flight Expertise

To write an article, I recommend using the following plan:

Introduction: 1. Introduction to the topic and its relevance 2. Goals and objectives of the article

Main part: 3. The concept of examination by the medical flight commission (VLEK) 4. The need for medical examinations for flights on aircraft 5. Stages of the VLEK procedure 6. Organization and conduct of medical examinations upon admission to an aviation school 7. Re-examination of pilots and aviation cadets schools 8. The importance of VLEK for the work of flying personnel and aviation safety 9. Problems and difficulties arising during the passage

Medical flight examination is an important link in the flight medical support system. The conclusion about the suitability of a pilot, medic or instructor to fly when creating lists of those flying on a specific flight depends on it. This also includes an examination before the second briefing and a second medical examination. Anyone planning to take off must pass such a commission before departure. But does everyone understand how aviation medical examinations work?

For example, there is aviation, and people are shoved right into it - with an unprepared heart, overweight or sedentary work. No matter how it is. The starting point of the entire organization is the formation of a contingent of pilots - both from those who are constantly in the flight personnel and from those studying at various flight technical institutions. Here you need:

1. Select for physical health and psychological stability. After all, during an emergency or in a situation where it is impossible to independently return to the airfield, a person must complete the assigned task, no matter what