Elansky Nail

Elansky Pavel Nikolaevich - Russian surgeon, student of the famous Sergei Yudin, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR. Pavel Nikolaevich has a double surname, which often becomes an object of criticism for his followers. However, the teacher himself considered this the right decision, because the Elan surname was assigned to him in honor of his wife. Pavel began his professional activity even before the revolution. He began his career at Kharkov University, where he also carried out scientific activities. The second half of the 20s was the period of greatest work for the surgeon. A student of the famous Sergei Yudin, he is the author of more than 7 scientific works, widely used in medical practice, which can serve to save the lives of thousands

**Elansky-Nail** is a name that is familiar to many, if not everyone. I'm talking about the honored Soviet surgeon, after whom the new discovery was named. This is a man who devoted his entire life to medicine and made a significant contribution to its development. Today I will talk about his life and achievements.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Elansky was born on February 2, 1875 in Moscow. He received his medical education from Moscow University and began his career as a surgeon. At the end of the 19th century, Elansky moved to Leningrad and began working in a hospital for the poor, where he provided medical care to patients with modest incomes. He became one of the first surgeons to use anesthesia methods during operations.

In 1907, Elansky was elected city surgeon and held this position until 1936. During his work, he created many methods for performing various operations, which were named after him. For example, the Elansky method or the Lymphadenectomy method. He also developed a method of cardiac analgesia, which can significantly alleviate the condition of patients in the pre- and postoperative period.
