Elschniga Pearls

Elschnig's pearls are a term used in ophthalmology to describe a condition of the eyeball in which white or yellow spots appear on the surface of the eyeball. These spots can be caused by various reasons such as injury, infection, tumors and other diseases.

One of the most famous specialists in the field of ophthalmology, who studied Elschnig pearls, was the German ophthalmologist Ernst Elschnig. He was born in 1863 and died in 1939.

Elschniga has studied Elschniga pearls for many years, and his research has helped to understand how these spots occur and how they can be treated. He also developed methods for diagnosing and treating pearl lice, which are still used today.

Today, Elshniga pearls are quite common, and many people encounter them in their lives. However, if you notice Elschnig pearls on yourself or your loved ones, do not panic. It is best to consult an ophthalmologist who can diagnose and prescribe treatment.