Energite For Children

Energit is a biologically active food supplement (BAA) in the form of tablets intended for children. This drug can be used to maintain the health and improve the child’s immunity. The dietary supplement was developed by the Vitar company in the Czech Republic.

VitAr created Energit to provide children with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. The Energit formula includes a mixture of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and antioxidants that help support the health and immunity of the child. The dietary supplement also contains bioflavonoids - natural antioxidants that have an anti-inflammatory effect and protect the body from harmful environmental factors.

One Energit tablet contains your daily requirement of vitamins A, B12, C, D and E, as well as calcium, iron and zinc. This complex helps strengthen the immune system and support the health of the child. The dietary supplement is widely used in childhood.

In addition, Energit also improves the condition of the skin and hair, gives energy and promotes energy production. Therefore, the Energit vitamin complex can serve to strengthen the general condition during infectious diseases and after illness. Doctors often recommend Energit as a complementary immune booster for adults and children.