Epilepsy Kozhevnikovskaya

Epilepsy (or epileptic seizure) is a condition in which electrical activity occurs in the brain, which leads to seizures and other disturbances in the body. Epilepsies can be different and have different symptoms. One type of epilepsy - Kozhevnikovsky - has characteristic symptoms associated with seizures that occur due to metabolic disorders in the brain.

Kozhevnikov's epilepsy attack occurs with complete relaxation of the body, but not the brain. As soon as an epileptic discharge occurs, the person loses consciousness, convulsions begin, arms and legs bend, and “grimaces” appear on the body. The attack lasts from twenty to thirty seconds, after which complete recovery occurs. Such seizures have a high frequency of recurrence and lead to serious consequences for human health. Kozhevnikov epilepsy most often occurs in children and adolescents, but can also occur in adults, and in women this disorder is much less common. One of the causes of Kozhevnikov epilepsy is the consumption of low-alcohol drinks in small quantities by children. Today, statistical data suggest that about fifteen percent of the population have Kozhevnikov epilepsy.