Epithelial Islets of Malasse

Epithelial islets of Malasse are small clusters of flat epithelial cells located in various parts of the human body. They are important for the functioning of the body and can act as a source of neoplasms and inflammatory processes. In this article we will look at the features of the epithelial islets of Malasse and the possible consequences of their dysfunction.

Epithelial islands

Germ cell islands are small areas of tissue consisting of different types of epithelium that form a single structure. Epithelial tissue covers all surfaces of the body and protects it from mechanical damage, and also participates in other human biological functions. One of the features of epithelial islets is their high rate of division, which allows cells to quickly regenerate and repair damage. In addition, islet cells have a certain autonomy, which can lead to the development of islet cell cancer (papillary thyroid cancer).


The skin is one of the main human sensory organs and performs several vital functions, including protection from external influences, thermoregulation and nutrient absorption. Along with other types of epithelium, the skin includes a superficial layer - the epidermis. Adolescence. This period of life is usually characterized by changes in the body's hormonal levels, which manifests itself in the skin's tendency to acne. The reason is the activation of the sebaceous glands inside the epidermis. The activity of the sebaceous glands can lead to the accumulation of excess sebum, which clogs the pores and creates favorable conditions for the development of infection. One of the effective measures to combat acne is massaging the skin with special scrapers and using gentle exfoliating and moisturizing products. All these methods are aimed at increasing the production of skin secretions and facilitating its removal through the pores. For this purpose, softer and hypoallergenic abrasives are used, such as pumice or small sea pebbles, as well as extracts of medicinal plants that enhance regeneration and dissolve sebum. Unfortunately, constant mechanical stress on the skin can lead to hyperpigmentation and even increased permeability, so care should be taken