Escuzan 20

**Eskuzan 20** is a drug that belongs to a group of drugs called angioprotective drugs. It is used to treat certain vein diseases, hemorrhoids and injuries, and to prevent and eliminate post-operative swelling.

The main active ingredients in this drug are **thiamine and escin**, which ensures its versatile action. Escin, extracted from horse chestnut, is a drug that affects the tone of veins and prevents their expansion, and is involved in the regulation of blood circulation, in particular in the capillaries. The same thing happens with thiamine, which is an essential vitamin for nervous system function and metabolism. Thus, both substances are used together to strengthen the vascular wall.

**Indications for the drug Escusan**:

- prevention and treatment of post-traumatic edema; - for injuries to speed up recovery processes; - venous insufficiency and vein diseases; - hemorrhoids and rectal bleeding; - hematomas and ulcerative colitis.

The drug **has a number of contraindications:**

- hypersensitivity to thiamine and other components of the drug; - renal or liver failure; - First trimester of pregnancy and breastfeeding period.