Exceptional Condition in Psychiatry

An extreme mental state is a unique and complex phenomenon that can occur in people in extreme situations. It is characterized by an unusual emotional state and can cause dramatic changes in a person’s behavior. Although this condition is not a psychiatric diagnosis, it can still be associated with mental disorders and requires specialist advice.

Distinctive signs of an extreme mental state:

- Suddenness and surprise. Extreme psychosis occurs without warning and is often accompanied by a strong emotional outburst. - Unusual actions and thoughts. The person may exhibit unusual activity or become stuporous. His behavior may be motivated by strong emotions or an unknown goal. - Fear and anxiety. Extreme people usually experience a feeling of fear or anxiety. - Lack of adequacy. The situation may seem inadequate, and the behavior may seem strange and unpredictable.

Three types of factors are used to produce extreme mental states: trauma, sensory deprivation, and

Exceptional conditions are transient mental disorders not associated with brain injury or disease, ending in complete or relative amnesia (memory loss). These conditions manifest themselves in the fact that a person completely loses control over his behavior for some time. Impulsive actions and uncontrolled speech entail consequences both for himself and for others. The main feature of this condition is that the patient is not aware of what he is doing and does not remember what happened to him.

In fact, this pathology is one of the types of epileptic seizures. But epilepsy