Fetopathy Infectious

Infectious fetopathy is damage to the fetus caused by intrauterine infection. The causes of infectious fetopathy are various infections (viruses, bacteria, protozoa) that are transmitted from mother to fetus: rubella, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, listeriosis, syphilis, etc.

Clinical manifestations of infectious fetopathy depend on the pathogen and the period of infection of the fetus. Possible malformations, delayed growth and development of the fetus, intrauterine infection. Diagnosis is based on examination of the pregnant woman (blood tests, ultrasound of the fetus) and fetal puncture with examination of amniotic fluid.

Treatment of infectious fetopathy depends on the causative agent and the duration of pregnancy; termination of pregnancy may be required. Prevention - testing women of childbearing age for infections before pregnancy, treatment of chronic infections, vaccination. Prevention of infections during pregnancy is important.