
Physiognomy is the study of the connection between a person’s external appearance and his inner world, character and destiny. Physiognomists claim that facial features can determine the character, abilities, inclinations and even fate of a person.

Physiognomy is based on the belief that facial and body features reflect our emotions, thoughts and feelings. If we want to know something about a person, then we can pay attention to his facial features, figure and movements. For example, if a person has a narrow forehead, this may indicate a tendency towards analysis and logical thinking.

However, physiognomy is not a science, and many scientists consider it unscientific. Some studies suggest that the relationship between facial features and personality may be random or influenced by cultural and social factors. In addition, physiognomists often use unreliable methods such as fortune telling and dream interpretation to interpret facial features.

Despite this, physiognomy continues to attract the interest of people who want to learn more about themselves and other people. Some people use it for self-development and improving their lives, while others just for fun. In any case, it is important to remember that physiognomy is only one of many ways of self-knowledge and should not replace a scientific approach to the study of personality.