
Fluorography is a diagnostic method based on the use of X-rays to obtain images of the lungs. It allows you to detect various lung diseases, such as tuberculosis, cancer, pneumonia and others.

Fluorography is carried out using a special apparatus called a fluorograph. The patient stands in front of the machine, and the radiologist takes pictures of the lungs. The procedure usually takes a few minutes.

The advantages of fluorography include its availability and low cost. In addition, it allows you to quickly and accurately determine the presence of lung diseases. However, like any other diagnostic method, fluorography has its drawbacks. For example, it may not be effective in diagnosing small tumors or changes in the lungs.

Overall, fluorography is an important method for diagnosing lung diseases and can help save lives. However, in order to get the maximum benefit from this method, it is necessary to undergo fluorography regularly and consult a doctor if any symptoms of lung disease appear.

Immune system cells play a large role in protecting the body from infections

Fluorography is one of the most widely used diagnostic methods in modern medicine. It allows you to quickly and easily detect pathologies of the lungs, heart and other organs, which is of great importance for the early diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Is it possible to refuse fluorography? **Refusal of annual** ***fluorography*** for healthy people does not threaten anything. After all, this procedure is needed precisely in order to identify the disease in a person. The only negative is the lack of independence when visiting the clinic. However, this procedure can be carried out using a mobile application on your phone. At the moment, all active users of mobile devices, as a rule, have the opportunity to install this.

There are disadvantages of the procedure * The main problem that may arise if you refuse a fluorogram is visiting the clinic later than the deadline, namely once a year. Some studies suggest that skipping routine diagnostics will not have a negative impact on your health. Failure to prevent the disease may be associated with the risk of missing the disease at an early stage.

According to experts, there are a number of factors that indicate the importance of prevention, among them: - A medical examination of the patient is most often accompanied by recommendations for further actions - hospitalization and treatment, which requires the use of a large number of different medications. - Diagnosis in the event of the onset of serious disorders is possible only at an advanced stage and will no longer allow for a timely diagnosis. - The results can help determine and eliminate the cause of the disease. Such disruptions can have an impact on others