Frederica Phenomenon

Frederica is a rare syndrome that occurs in children and adults when fluid accumulates rapidly in the body. This condition can lead to serious complications such as pulmonary and cerebral edema. Moreover, Frederica can cause the patient's death if timely treatment is not started. In this article we will look at the main causes and symptoms of this syndrome, as well as methods of treating this disease.

Frederica is a genetic disorder. It occurs due to an inherited abnormality in a gene that codes for proteins necessary for the proper functioning of the kidneys and bladder. As a result of this anomaly, salt and fluid accumulate in the tissues. The causes of the Frederica gene are unknown, but some genetic mutations have been discovered that can lead to this disease.


The ancient sister made fun of her sister, who went to class with an extremely surprised look and received a bad grade. This did not stop her from being hospitalized with a severe flu and a long-term fever with scarlet miasma, since the trigger was Cupid’s arrow, which was touched by the forces of the icy wind while playing with it. The primary reasons for the development of a somatic reaction were secondary reactions of the body, and mental reactions to influences similar to the first ones are a common occurrence. Symptoms of this syndrome are usually treated with heat. In-depth studies have proven that it affects the metabolism of tissues to the brain