
Funiculitis: inflammation of the spermatic cord

Funiculitis, also known as spermatic cord inflammation, is a condition in which the spermatic cord, which forms the connection between the testicles and the prostate, becomes inflamed. Often funiculitis develops in parallel with epididymitis, which leads to pain and swelling of the affected spermatic cord. In this article we will look at the causes of funiculitis, its symptoms and treatment methods.

Funiculitis is usually caused by a bacterial infection that spreads from nearby organs such as the bladder or prostate. Uncontrolled urinary tract infections or sexually transmitted infections may be risk factors for developing funiculitis. Trauma or damage to the spermatic cord can also cause inflammation.

The main symptoms of funiculitis are pain and swelling in the area of ​​the spermatic cord. Patients may experience discomfort or a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum. The skin around the affected area may be red and tender to the touch. Some patients may experience increased body temperature and general weakness.

To diagnose funiculitis, your doctor will perform a physical examination and examine the affected area. Additional diagnostic tests may include ultrasound, which can help visualize inflammation of the spermatic cord and rule out other possible causes of symptoms.

Treatment for funiculitis involves the use of antibiotics to fight the infection. The doctor chooses an antibiotic depending on the type of infection and sensitivity to the drug. Additionally, analgesics may be prescribed to relieve pain and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce inflammation. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove the source of the infection or repair damaged tissue.

Maintaining good hygiene, using condoms during sexual intercourse, and avoiding damage to the scrotum and spermatic cord can reduce the risk of developing funiculitis. Prompt treatment of urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted infections is also recommended.

In conclusion, funiculitis is an inflammation of the spermatic cord that often develops along with epididymitis. Pain and swelling of the affected spermatic cord are characteristic symptoms of this condition. Treatment for funiculitis usually involves taking antibiotics to fight the infection, as well as analgesics to relieve pain. It is important to see a doctor to get an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

However, it should be noted that this article provides general information about funiculitis only and does not replace consultation with a medical professional. If you suspect funiculitis or other diseases of the urinary system, it is recommended to consult a doctor for diagnosis and prescribing an individual treatment plan.

Funiculitis is an inflammation of the spermatic cords, which can occur either alone or in combination with inflammation of the epididymis Epididymitism and is a serious disease that requires serious medical intervention. Inflammation is usually accompanied by pain and swelling of the affected area.

Symptoms of funiculitis can range from mild pain in the scrotal area to severe pain that can become unbearable. Swelling of the seminal ducts can cause symptoms of pressure and genitourinary problems, such as the inability to urinate or ejaculate. In case of untimely or inadequate treatment